Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My Dream: (: good;or ): Bad

     Well last night I dram about Me in the library and well it was durring flex and all my flex class mates were there. And all of a suden, some gangsters came in looking for some kids related with gangs thier guns were drawn and everything. Now I was behind the counter and I guessed what they were comming for... the kids i mentiond at first so after they shot them and before they killed all the whitnesses (the nerds) i jumped on one dissarmed him and threatned to kill him if they didn't toss thier wepons to the other kids when they did I told the kids to kill the criminals with the thier own guns. Also, I told them that if anybody askes I made them do it and then i did scuicide. Well I want to know If if its a good thing what I did or or not.

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