Thursday, February 11, 2010

My recent love life

well a few weeks ago i had an affar with this girl that i still love so much  and she now hate me for loving her and i wanted to get away from all of that and get  over Kelly (thats her name) well i was well over her though still love her sooooooooooooooo MUCH ( please dont ask me how that was cuz i have no clue) and ther is this new kid in her life his name is cody ive never met him and i hope i never do becouse then ill be a murderer anyway while that was happening i found ou she was asking out one of my friends and i knew what was going to happen becouse it had happend to me so i told him all about cody and how much she betrays so she found out i told him and now she SIRIOUSLY hates my guts and i think that being single i the best thing to be becouse you are free you are not tied to anything you got nothing to loose athough i once heard somwear the frase you must be tied to somting to be free and i think it's true but you have to be tied to somthing good!!!!!!!

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