Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Nastiest Cake Ever!!!!

Looks like krap!!!!!!!! 
I WOULD NEVER EAT  THAT!!!!!!!!!!         

Thursday, February 11, 2010

1000 awesome things..........................AWESOME

OMG what can i say the writer of that blog describes like a pro elaborates like a poet and guess what hes AWSOME

Sixth graders are on my nerves!!!!!!!!

Sixth graders are behaning like if they are the bosses of the world even if your older than them they call you by hey kid very sarcasticly. It pisses me of to know that they think they dont need to respect you. I would like to see them in the toilet where thet belong.

My recent love life

well a few weeks ago i had an affar with this girl that i still love so much  and she now hate me for loving her and i wanted to get away from all of that and get  over Kelly (thats her name) well i was well over her though still love her sooooooooooooooo MUCH ( please dont ask me how that was cuz i have no clue) and ther is this new kid in her life his name is cody ive never met him and i hope i never do becouse then ill be a murderer anyway while that was happening i found ou she was asking out one of my friends and i knew what was going to happen becouse it had happend to me so i told him all about cody and how much she betrays so she found out i told him and now she SIRIOUSLY hates my guts and i think that being single i the best thing to be becouse you are free you are not tied to anything you got nothing to loose athough i once heard somwear the frase you must be tied to somting to be free and i think it's true but you have to be tied to somthing good!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I love the rain it shows the true nature of nature. it smothers you with a refreshin feel of water whene water isnt only a conjunction of hydrogen and oxegen; its the one and only antidote to stress. it takes away all your worries with mor worries (the rain) and alows you to think strait about the world it alows you to live with pain and not feel a bit of it. also it ispires you to be free like a natural element

My Dream: (: good;or ): Bad

     Well last night I dram about Me in the library and well it was durring flex and all my flex class mates were there. And all of a suden, some gangsters came in looking for some kids related with gangs thier guns were drawn and everything. Now I was behind the counter and I guessed what they were comming for... the kids i mentiond at first so after they shot them and before they killed all the whitnesses (the nerds) i jumped on one dissarmed him and threatned to kill him if they didn't toss thier wepons to the other kids when they did I told the kids to kill the criminals with the thier own guns. Also, I told them that if anybody askes I made them do it and then i did scuicide. Well I want to know If if its a good thing what I did or or not.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Gratest Love Quote Ever

      Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
                                                                                     Love never fails.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8           By God