Monday, January 11, 2010

:) reading recomedations for 6th graders

Last year i was a sixth grader. And in order to to keep reading and to keeep my mind on the same book i had to read somthing entretaining. And for me entretaning didnt nesseseraly mean funny it maent cool, romantic, ect., but i dont know what i would look for if i was a sixthgrader looking somthing fuuny. there wher a few books that were entretianing enogh and not exageratly big. they were Percy Jackson and The Olypians*, Artemis fowl, and of course my absolute favorite :) Alexander Rider: Storm Breaker*. These bookes are my favorite becouse they are so cool and are problably what i think every kid doese ..........................................................................................................................................................
.......In thier dreams!!!!!

*  yes Ms. Muhpy I just had to mention them :) :) :) !!!

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